SINAM GIS Database Solution
Overview of the solution
- Serves to collect and maintain GIS data.
- Serves to collect and manage geographical data.
- In operation for more than 6 years.
Examples of maps
Settlements (Azerbaijan) Roads, Water, Greenness(Azerbaijan)

Administrative Division (Azerbaijan and Georgia) Land Use (Baku City)

File formats
Database supports output to following formats:
- ESRI Personal Geodatabase – is the preferred output format due to native ability to contain UNICODE string with Azeri symbols;
- ESRI Shape (SHP /including UTF-8/) – is supported format due to its popularity;
- ESRI XML Record set and Workspace - is the XML based format for input-output due to ability to contain UNICODE string with Azeri symbols;
- Custom Formats – specific formats for navigators, trackers and other tools;
- SQL with Geo-extension (WKT-formats) – is possible for databases supported Geo-extension.
Coordinate System and Units
Specific local metric projection based on Transverse Mercator and used WGS 84 spheroid is used for precise GIS data processing.
Output data can be in the following projections:
- WGS 84 Latitude/Longitude;
- UTM;
- Former USSR (Gauss Krueger, Krasovsky spheroid);
- Any ESRI ArcGIS supported projection.
Text encoding – UNICODE (UTF-8) used whenever possible.
Names are given for 5 languages – Azeri, English, Georgian, Russian, and Turkey.
Roads and Road Network
Motor Roads are structured by types:
- Highways;
- Main Road;
- Country Road;
- Field Road;
- Earth Road;
Motor Roads are structured by the complex attributes having purpose to be used in path searching and geo coding:
- Descriptive attributes;
- Navigation Network attributes;
- Limitation attributes;
- Addressing attributes;
- Networks-Subnets structure.
Contains data for vector maps for:
- Points of Interest (POI), including objects of tourism infrastructure, education, medicine, trade, transport with description, pictures, addresses, and contact information;
- Administrative division structure and administrative area borders;
- Cities, towns, settlements, villages, etc.;
- Buildings and Street Addressing;
- Motor road network with infrastructure, description, and traffic regulations;
- Routes, including public transport routes, tourism walking/horsing routes, etc.;
- Surface water areas, green areas,
- Railways;
- Land Use (for some areas).
Contains data for vector maps for:
- Azerbaijan;
- Georgia;
- Turkey;
- Caspian Sea (with some depth marks and POIs );
- Black Sea (only water area).
Applications and organizations served:
- Integration with Azerpost postal service;
- Integration with taxi planner;
- Integration with public transport route network;
- Government Administrative Division and Street Addressing data model;
- Road navigation network data structure;
- Web and Mobile Applications.
Contains data for raster maps of:
Provides data for:
- and Web Portal;
- Yollar.Az GPS Tracking;
- Yollar.Az Portable Navigation Devices;
- Land Use Register;
- Transportation System Register;
- Other clients/customers.
Advantages of the solution include:
- Multilingual Database;
- Contains the most detailed maps integrated with similar data structures for:
- Azerbaijan;
- Georgia;
- Turkey;
- Administrative division and Street Addressing;
- Road Network with traffic regulations;
- Same data structure for large area map opens wide opportunities for use;
- Specific complex data models for:
- Wide range of data formats supported.
Architecture of the solution
Client/Server architecture, including:
- 2 GIS Servers;
- 18 Arc Map Workstations;
- 2 MapInfo Professional Workstations.
Vector Map Server
- Provides storage and edition capabilities for vector map data.
- ESRI Arc Server
- Postgres SQL / Post GIS
- CentOS Linux Server
Raster Map Server
- Provides storage for raster map data and space images.
- ESRI Arc Server
- Postgres SQL / Post GIS
- CentOS Linux Server
- Provides edition and data management capabilities for vector and raster map data.
- ESRI ArcMap
- MS Windows 7 workstation
MapInfo Workstation
- Provides storage and edition capabilities for vector map data in MapInfo format.
- MapInfo Professional
- MS Windows 7 workstation